Course Overview
This Aviation Security (AVSEC) Initial Training for Air Crew course is designed to provide flight crew and cabin crew with the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to enhance aviation security. The training ensures compliance with ICAO Annex 17, national aviation security programs, and airline-specific security policies.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Understand aviation security threats, risks, and trends.
- Identify and mitigate acts of unlawful interference.
- Recognize prohibited and restricted items.
- Implement airline security procedures and protocols.
- Respond effectively to in-flight and ground-based security incidents.
- Enhance situational awareness and threat detection.
Target Audience
- Flight Crew (Pilots, First Officers)
- Cabin Crew (Flight Attendants, Pursers)
Course Content
- Introduction to Aviation Security
- ICAO, IATA, and national AVSEC regulations
- Airline and airport security responsibilities
- Threats to Civil Aviation
- Terrorism and emerging threats
- Insider threats and human trafficking awareness
- Access Control & Security Procedures
- Passenger and baggage screening
- Airport and aircraft security measures
- Prohibited and Restricted Items
- Weapons, explosives, and dangerous goods
- Concealment methods and detection
- In-Flight Security Measures
- Crew responsibilities in flight
- Cockpit security and reinforced flight deck doors
- Handling Security Incidents
- Dealing with disruptive passengers
- Hijacking and bomb threat response
- Post-incident reporting
Training Methodology
- Interactive classroom instruction
- Case studies and real-life security scenarios
- Role-playing exercises
- Assessment and certification upon completion
Course Duration
- Typically 4 to 8 hours, depending on airline and regulatory requirements.
Upon successful completion, participants will receive an Aviation Security Initial Training Certificate, valid as per airline and regulatory authority guidelines.